In India, the first case of HIV was detected in 1986, mostly among sex workers. The virus then spread rapidly across the nation, with 135 more cases coming to light by among which 14 had already progressed towards AIDS2. In this scenario, the Government of India took the first step towards combating HIV with setting up screening centers. These centers were meant to monitor the citizens as well as the blood banks. Later in the year, a National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) was launched to coordinate the national responses of surveillance, blood screening details and programmes of health education.
However, the beginning of 1990 witnessed a sudden increase in the number of HIV cases, triggering the set up of National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) by the Government of India. The NACO was delegated with the responsibility of formulating, implementing and monitoring policies concerning prevention and control of HIV and AIDS in the country.
Gujarat fifth in HIV deaths in country and has more HIV than TB cases.
In 2016-17 the state saw 2,640 HIV related deaths and in 2015-16 the previous year Gujarat saw 2,627 deaths due to the deadly disease. ... Interestingly, against the rising number of HIV deaths the central allocation for Aids control has decreased for Gujarat
The number of HIV positive persons exceeds far by number of Tubercolosis (TB) patients in Gujarat. According to govt figures, while there are 82662 TB patients in the state, number of persons tested with HIV positive are 120866. The gravity is higher which a concern for the state.
AIDS is caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV kills or damages the body's immune cells. There are two types of HIV. Type I and Type II. Type I is more common in India.
AIDS is generally caused by unprotected sex with an infected partner. It may also spread through the use of infected syringes of HIV infected people and blood transfusions.
The first signs of AIDS are influenza (flu) like symptoms or may be swollen glands but at times symptoms might not appear. Symptoms may appear after two or three months. Generally, blood test is done to confirm the diagnosis. There is no cure, but there are many medicines to fight/ control HIV infection.
There are 3 main stages of AIDS:
Acute symptoms, clinical latency and severe symptoms
Acute symptoms: The majority of people infected by HIV develop a Influenza (flu) like illness within a month or two after the virus enters the body. This illness, known as primary or acute HIV infection, may last for a few weeks. Possible symptoms include:
Sore throat
Muscle soreness
Mouth or genital ulcers
Swollen lymph glands, mainly on the neck
Joint pain
Night sweats
Clinical Latency: There is persistent swelling of lymph nodes during clinical latent HIV. Else, there are no specific signs and symptoms. However, body remains infected with the virus.
Severe Symptoms:
Blurred and distorted vision
Cough and shortness of breath
Persistent white spots or unusual lesions on your tongue or in your mouth
Soaking night sweats
Shaking chills or fever higher than 100 F (38 C) for several weeks
Chronic diarrhea
Persistent, unexplained fatigue
Weight loss
Skin rashes
A person becomes infected with HIV/AIDS by several ways:
Blood transfusions: In some cases, the virus may be transmitted through blood transfusions.
Sharing infected needles: HIV can be transmitted through needles and syringes contaminated with infected blood.
Sexual Contact: The most frequent mode of transmission of HIV is through sexual contact with an infected person.
From mother to child: A pregnant woman infected with HIV virus can transmit the virus to her fetus through their shared blood circulation, or an infected nursing mother can transmit it to her baby through her breast milk.
HIV test is done to detect human immunodeficiency virus in saliva, serum or urine. The UNAIDS/WHO policy statement on HIV Testing states that conditions under which people undergo HIV testing must be anchored in a human rights approach that pays due respect to ethical principles . According to these principles, the conduct of HIV testing of individuals must be: RNA tests detect the virus directly (instead of the antibodies to HIV) and thus can detect HIV at about 10 days after infection as soon as it appears in the bloodstream, before antibodies develop. These tests cost more than antibody tests and are generally not used as a screening test, although your doctor may order one as a follow-up test, after a positive antibody test, or as part of a clinical workup.
Confidentiality: The entire process of testing and results are kept confidential to give boost to individuals, couples, and families to learn about their HIV status in the convenience and privacy of their home environment. Home-Based HIV Testing and Counseling (HBHTC) allows rapid HIV tests that are most often used, so results are available for the client between 15 and 30 minutes.
As such there is no cure for AIDS. However, medicine are identifies which can prolong the life of HIV positive person, given at certain stage depending upon CD4 count.
Reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors - It interferes with a critical step during the HIV life cycle and keep the virus from making copies of itself.
Protease inhibitors - It interferes with a protein that HIV uses to make infectious viral particles.
Fusion inhibitors - It blocks the virus from entering the body's cells.
Integrase inhibitors - It blocks an enzyme HIV needs to make copies of itself.
Multidrug combinations - It combines two or more different types of drugs into one. These medicines help people with HIV, but they are not perfect. They do not cure HIV/AIDS. People with HIV infection still have the virus in their bodies. They can still spread HIV to others through unprotected sex and needle sharing, even when they are taking their medicines.
HIV prevention refers to practices done to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. HIV prevention practices may be done by individuals to protect their own health:
Spreading awareness among masses.
Protected sexual contact through the use of condoms reduces the risk of HIV/AIDS
Providing awareness among the population about their HIV status especially in high risks population, High risks population involves sex workers and their partners, Intravenous drug users, truck drivers, labor migrants, refugees and prisoners.
Safe injections: Using auto disposal syringes helps to prevent HIV infections.
Male circumcision: It is the surgical removal of the foreskin (prepuce) from the human penis.
Safe blood transfusion procured only from authorized and accredited blood banks.
Counseling of HIV positive pregnant mother on the issue of how to prevent parent to child transmission (PPTCT).