Registered with 80G , 12A, NITI Aayog as per Government of INDIA.
"Sanmay" believes in a holistic approach to sanitation, engaging multiple stakeholders at different levels to drive large-scale impact in schools and urban and rural communities. Our aim is to work with a number of companies to implement WASH programs in schools with an added focus on toilets for girls.
Our service offerings are focused on delivering end-to-end sanitation solutions based on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) models:
Sanmay delivers end-to-end sanitation solutions .
Designing strategy and programs incorporating best practices
Selecting credible implementation partners and building their capacity
Supervising the construction and maintenance of toilets
Engaging in behavioral change communication
Ensuring community involvement and sustainable impact
Ensuring funds are utilized efficiently and effectively
Accurately measuring impact both quantitatively and qualitatively
Developing a CSR Strategy & assessing the needs of stakeholders.
The introduction of the CSR mandate has seen companies move away from ad-hoc donations and events towards a long-term engagement with CSR that ties in with their philosophy, values and business.
Sanmay engages with companies to define their CSR strategy in the following ways:
Conceptualizing CSR strategy and defining CSR philosophy and objectives
Defining vision, mission and funding strategy of the foundation
Recommending causes or social initiatives that complement your corporate mandate
Conducting a stakeholder needs assessment and recommending initiatives that leverage your expertise and meet your stakeholder’s expectations
Evaluating internal process and making recommendations to align them with your CSR objectives
Focus group discussion being conducted in Gujarat as part of a community needs assessment
Assessing the needs of stakeholders
Sanmay also undertakes individual assessments to map out the needs and requirements of every individual. We undertake a range of activities that include :
Primary and secondary research using quantitative and qualitative methods (such as household surveys, interviews with key stakeholders with sarpanch, asha worker, anganwadi worker etc, and interactive participatory research exercises with beneficiaries)
Mapping community needs to company resources and interest and making recommendations for CSR programs.
Planning and implementing CSR projects
A trusted partner with direct access to beneficiaries is one of the most important components of a successful CSR program. Sanmay offers the following services to help streamline the implementation of CSR projects:
Preparing an implementation roadmap and budgets
Selecting and training implementation partners
Defining processes and reporting framework to measure outcomes and monitor progress
Bridging the resourcing gaps by training and sensitizing partners before project implementation
Publishing periodic reports for company review
Evaluating the effectiveness of CSR programs is one of the most important steps in end-to-end implementation of programs.
Conducting an impact assessment for a school in Rajasthan.
We offer holistic assessments to evaluate the impact of CSR activity on business objectives (increased visibility, brand recognition etc.), on your NGO partners and on community/beneficiaries.
Our methodology varies from baseline-endline surveys, Retrospective Pretest model (where no baseline exists), control group comparisons etc.
The data collection tools range from semi structured, personal interviews to focus group discussions to administering questionnaires or a combination.
The actual mix of research methods will depend upon the sector (education, healthcare, livelihoods etc.), nature of programs and also the profile of the beneficiaries.
Sanmay’s key objective is to help our corporate clients with effective CSR programs that are strategic and create significant social impact. We approach this with parallel evidence-seeking research on ‘industry sectors’(FMCG, finance, heavy industries, mining etc.) and ‘social sectors’ (such as education, health, livelihood etc). For programs to be strategic, our research can help you understand the overall industry trends, explore CSR strategies of your peers, and highlight best practices and case studies of successful programs by companies in the industry. To have optimal impact from programs, our research can provide you with sector-specific reports, giving an understanding of the sector, current government and non-government involvement, gaps in provisions, evidence of high-impact interventions etc.